Golden Swallow

Later the Angel returned with two things.
God asked,
-Tell me, where did you find these things?-

-You see, God, I was lucky, because while flying, I met a flock of swallows and they told me a story about one city, where in the central square stands a golden statue of a Prince and a Little swallow.

Cold is coming and the Little Swallow was already preparing to fly to the warmer lands, but decided to spend one last night under the statue.

Until a tear from the Prince fell on her.
He cries because sees how many people are suffering, and he is helplessly nailed to the pedestal and cannot help.

The Prince started begging the Little swallow to pluck out the gemstones from him one by one and take them to those in need.

Winter was approaching and the little swallow was very cold, but the prince kept begging,
-Little swallow, please tear off all my gold plates and continue to take them to those who need them more than me now.-

When the bird had done this, the Prince said,
-Thank you, now I have given away all the treasures I had.
It is already very cold, fly away quickly!-

To which the little swallow replied,
-Prince, I will not fly anywhere anymore, I will now stay with you forever.-

Having said that, he fell dead at the feet of the statue.
At that moment, the Prince's lead heart broke in half.

When the people saw the statue, they decided to remove it, which had become shabby and looked more like a beggar than a Prince. And took it to the blacksmith to be melted down.

The little swallow's body was thrown into the trash heap.

Strange, but the blacksmith couldn't melt the Prince's heart.
He threw it into the trash heap, next to the Little swallow.

The Angel finished.
-Then I took the dead bird and the broken lead heart from the trash heap and brought them to you, God,-

God took both treasures and the Angel immediately received his gift, his soul was filled with great joy.

This fairy tale was once written by Oscar Wilde, and I had the honor of retelling it to you.
May each of you find joy in the New Year!


There and Back Again


Latchkey Kid