Pearl Diver

But this time it was different.

He realized that, there were no doors that wouldn't open for him anymore. His songs were everywhere, singers lined up to perform them, concert halls sold out for years.

-I have played for them all my life.
In bars, restaurants, concert halls and stadiums.
Accompanied by my music, people have grown up, loved, worked, raised children, and it has supported them in sorrow.-

Everyone is waiting for what he will create next. Will it be a new hit or music for a movie? Or something more grandiose. Which famous singer will he invite...?

But Raimonds writes a song cycle for the local boys' choir.

-You must understand, I have to show them what all this was for. I have to show them their own souls.
And I don't need famous singers,
for that I need to talk to them about what's burning inside me.
What I can't express in words, where my limit is.-

The audience will come, he no longer has to worry about that, but, how will they receive it, will they understand?
There will be also painful themes.
And a boys' choir..

At that moment, Raimonds didn't know yet that the cycle would become one of the most beloved programs in the country;

That a recording of it would be in practically every home;

That the songs he wrote for the boys' choir would become part of the nation's healing process.

That the audience will not only understand but recognize these songs as part of their identity.

He is still searching for chords for a song about happiness born from unhappiness;

He is still polishing the last bars of a song about silently loving parents ;

The song about longing for a mother has not yet started;

But the title song is complete. "..I am still a pearl diver, although there have been no pearls for a long time.."

Raimonds lingers on it for a while, a lump forms in his throat.
They will understand..
And he puts it aside.

Raimonds Pauls and Janis Peters wrote the cycle "Pearl Diver" in 1986. He also worked with boys' choir after.


Latchkey Kid

